1.This makes it a more difficult shot to time correctly because your arm is farther away from the ball.
2.While the mother keeps her daughter close to her, she trains her son to move away from her, to develop independence.
3.Passion in a relationship is often overlooked when you are away from one another.
4.The idea is to get yourself away from the situation for a short time, to be able to calm down and think clearly about the situation.
5.Away from his wife and kids, Bob realizes that he is not completely happy with his life.
6.View as people do not know if two people each, less than 2 meters away from the relative standing, they will feel very awkward.
7.If one were to take away from your house an ounce of silver, and give you in return a pound of gold, that would not be stealing from you.
8.While Mr. Mantega said the main intent of the bond purchases is to win a bigger voice at the IMF, the move is a persification away from U.
9.The last thing she wanted was to be on the road away from a support network of friends and family. She wasn't up for it emotionally.
10.Constraints take control away from you: by dictating, by forcing you to think and work a certain way, by limiting your options.